Sales Force Effectiveness
& Business Intelligence

Sales Force Effectiveness.

In modern selling, a commercial representative can be expected to act as a consultant for their customer. This is the way that the sales profession is evolving, towards a more customised conversation and adding real value to the customer. Effectiveness is not only measured with objectives related to the company’s turnover or profitability but also on the role that your commercial staff have in your multi or omnichannel campaigns.

We can help you check if your organisation is ready for this type of evolution.

An average of 65% of the Sales Rep’s time is spent on NOT selling

Dashboard & Reports.

Management or operational dashboards are indispensable for an effective sales team. A top-selling staff will have an in depth customer understanding: by targeting the right prospect or client, harnessing collectable intelligence and resources, and obtaining insight into customer preferences, they can add ideas at an earlier stage to close and secure more deals.

We can help you identify the essential measures to follow and transform them into actionable items. Design for you the most efficient and dynamic dashboards that provide to your sales team the right information at the right time to make the best decision possible.

in most cases dashboards are built as a control measure and not for sales force effectiveness