“It helped our teams to improve their efficiency and productivity.”


“The platform implemented is intuitive and easy to use.”

What People Are Saying

“In the context of our digital transformation strategy, we identified the need to upgrade & change our existing mobile CRM for our commercial teams. The primary purpose for this change was for our teams to improve their efficiency and productivity by providing them with greater autonomy and by giving them access to the relevant data at the right time. A group of key users were set up to help build & test the app with the most valuable and useful features. The platform implemented is intuitive and easy to use with great data visualisation and importantly an off-line order-taking facility; as a result, the solution was adopted extremely quickly by all our commercial teams across our entities in Europe.”




  • The group of key users has been involved in the project since the beginning of May 2021.

  • 100% of Valrhona commercial teams (83 individuals) have been trained all around Europe and have been fully operational by the end of November 2021.

  • The overall adoption rate for order taking was at +86% by the end of January 2022.

  • Several thousand orders have been processed through the app, each month (6100 in Jan 2022).